“I’m sure things have changed in your life since you moved on from Foothill Christian, and I’d like to hear about it!” - Mr. G


The “1980” Yearbook

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Heavenly Father, help me to teach as Jesus

taught - by parable as well as precept, and by

example as well as exhortation.

Make me a gardener of souls. Teach me Thy

truth that I may have precious seed top l ant

for Thee.

Fill me with Thy compassion that I may water

the hard ground with kindness - even with tears

--until i t is soft. Help me to love my pupils

until their hearts will open wide to receive the

seed of the Word.

Give me Thy patience to await the time of

fruit . Remind me , each time I grow discouraged ,

that gradual growth is the law of the harvest .

Enable me to tend Thy garden well. Make me

strong enough to be gentle ; good enough to be

kind; concerned enough to be a genuine friend to

each of my pupils. Keep me from ever being

harsh , lest I pull up the plants with the weeds.

Grant that I may be a faithful gardener .

Help me to point the tender plants to Thee, the

Light of Life and Lord of all that is . And let

there be fruit from our garden . Help me to teach

as Jesus taught



– The Class of ‘80


